Tuesday 29 December 2009

I'm on Facebook at long last!!!

Well you'd never believe but I'm catching up with technology LOL David surprised me with a lovely pink mini laptop which means I can be online in the living room rather than be alone in the bedroom on my PC.

I therefore decided that I'd join Facebook so for those of you who know me, if you are on Facebook and would like to add me as your friend that would be great. I'll try to keep up. Already I'm finding it addictive what with my pet at Petsville and having a farm it's all go :)

I actually made a few thank you cards this afternoon, though couldn't settle for too long as I broke my folding chair and although bought another one it isn't that good so will have to wait until my new wooden chair arrives before I settle to a long stint of cardmaking.

Hope you all had a great Christmas. We did, with having my Mum and brother (and Chloe) over on Christmas Day and then again on Boxing Day. On Boxing Day we went to the theatre to see the panto Cinderella which was great fun.

Take care, will try and post some photos soon.

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